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LOT 3136 王 震(1867-1938)等 一团和气图

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Estimate  CNY  50,000 ~ 80,000

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西泠印社二〇二〇年春季拍卖会 ——— 中国名家漫画·插图连环画专场





Translation provided by Youdao



3136 王 震(1867-1938)等 一团和气图 设色纸本 立轴 1921年作 款识: 一团和气,福自天来。辛酉秋九,李靖澜、沙辅卿、潘琅圃、汪仲山、潘敬斋、杨东山合作,属一亭添蝠署款。 钤印:王震大利(白) 一亭(朱) 题跋:1. 午饮不成醉,点笔供一笑。不必衣冠俦,亦各俱面貌……世人谁得作,卖伊作肖照。鲁石戏题于墨雨飞鱼室。钤印:鲁石(朱)墨雨飞鱼(朱) 2. 辛酉秋九月他山雅集第二集,叙于城东女校聚餐后,诸子乘兴合画此帧。逸记。钤印:逸(朱) 签条:王震一团和气图中堂。 说明:杨逸题跋。 WANG ZHEN (1867-1938), SHA ZUO (?-1945), WANG KUN (1877-1946), YANG YI (1864-1929), ETC.  FIGURES Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll Dated 1921 Note: Inscribed by Yang Yi. 135.5×67cm RMB: 50,000-80,000 王 震 1867年生于上海。字一亭,号白龙山人、海云楼主,与任伯年、吴昌硕友善。工书画,所作花果、鸟兽、佛像,雄健浑厚,与吴昌硕相近。为海上重要名家之一。 Wang Zhen, courtesy name Yiting, style name Bailong Shanren and Master of Haiyunlou, was born in Shanghai in 1867. He kept a company with Ren Bonian and Wu Changshuo. Wang was one of the important artists of Shanghai Painting style. 李靖澜(民国),毕业于两江师范学堂,1900年受南洋中学校长王培孙之聘,起初任南洋中学预科主任兼美术教师,约在1910年起担任南洋中学本部的美术教师,热心美术教育。 Li Jinglan, graduating from Liangjiang Teacher's College (now Nanjing University), served as the director of Preparatory Course Departiment and art teacher in Nanyang Middle School in 1900. He devoted all his  life to art education. 沙 佐,字辅卿,号虎阜山民,苏州人。为沙馥之侄,久居上海,鬻画之外,自营珂罗版厂。工人物花卉,画风粗犷与细密兼具。晚年病腕,以左笔作画,多以简放之笔绘之,洒脱有致,独具风神。 Sha Zuo, courtesy name Fuqing, style name Hufu Shanmin, was the nephew of Sha Fu. Based in Shanghai, he ran a collotype factory. Sha used his left hand to painting due to his illness in the late years, the paintings, however,turned out to be distinctive and unique. 汪 琨 1877年生于江西婺源。字仲山,近代海派重要画家之一。山水宗王翚,兼工花卉。1909年发起成立豫园书画善会,1910年加入上海书画研究会,曾执教于1925年成立的上海艺术大学。 Wang Kun was born in Wuyuan, Jiangxi in 1877. He was one of the major painters of Shanghai Painting school. He learned landscape painting after Wang Hui. Wang joined Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Society in 1910 and taught at Shanghai Fine Arts University. 潘 琳 1887年生于浙江嘉兴。字保之,号琅圃,潘振镛侄,潘振节子。工人物、仕女及花卉。1913年赴日本东京,参加中华南画会,为驻会画家。留日六年,以画会友,声明大噪。1919年寓上海豫园书画善会,画名益著。1923年后返平湖,居家作画。 Pan Lin, courtesy name Baozhi, style name Langpu, was the son of Pan Zhenjie and nephew of Pan Zhenyong. He went to Tokyo in 1913 to join the Chinese Painting Society, where he earned his fame with his paintings.. 潘 钦(近现代),字敬斋,安徽婺县人。工山水、人物。 Pan Qin, courtesy name Jingzhai, was born in Wuxian, Anhui. His landscape paintings and figure paintins are quite popular with the painting community. 杨 逸 1864年生于上海。字东山,号鲁石、无闷,又号盥雪翁。光绪二十九年(1903)举人。工书善画。辑有《海上墨林》、《上海自治志》。为近代六十名家之一。 Yang Yi, born in Shanghai in 1864, courtesy name Dongshan, style name Lushi, Wumen, was one of the sixty masters of the modern times. Publications include Hai Shang Mo Lin, Shang Hai Zi Zhi Zhi.


8月5日 至 8月7日(周三至周五)


浙江世贸君澜大饭店 A厅

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